Where's Raffi?
Well actually, I have done a few logs, but on the old repat log pages. I think I covered a lot of the interesting stuff going on this past week in Yerevan there. There's a few pictures of April 24 and all, so go check that out. I don't know if logging there was a fluke, or if I'll continue (and what that would mean for this log). I do like the idea of simply photologging there at least... especially with this tiny new camera that I always have in my pocket.
All the events have kept me pretty busy. Now I have 1.5 weeks of work to go... that's it! It will be over before I blink. Of course my post work trip to Tblisi is off, due to the Tblisi curse I have. Meanwhile, the land hunt question remains high on the agenda... the one I was quite excited about seems to be a no-go, thanks to some last minute changes in the deal (read less land, but even more money) at the last minute by the sellers. There is a nicer parcel, but much smaller and more expensive which I'm considering. The unfortunate thing is that a bunch of friends couldn't buy adjacent like we had planned on the previous huge plot...
All the events have kept me pretty busy. Now I have 1.5 weeks of work to go... that's it! It will be over before I blink. Of course my post work trip to Tblisi is off, due to the Tblisi curse I have. Meanwhile, the land hunt question remains high on the agenda... the one I was quite excited about seems to be a no-go, thanks to some last minute changes in the deal (read less land, but even more money) at the last minute by the sellers. There is a nicer parcel, but much smaller and more expensive which I'm considering. The unfortunate thing is that a bunch of friends couldn't buy adjacent like we had planned on the previous huge plot...
Hey Raffi,
Hastzeh oonees that I can send you copies of the special Genocide commemoration issue of the paper?
Hope all is well ... looks like the LA paper stopped running the blogs, I guess you got to them :)
Hi Jenny - the mail here works strangely since they never leave it in mailboxes, it makes receiving it a bit of a pain... so I think it's better to pass on your offer. Thanks though.
I actually never decided what I thought of the LA papers activity, and then I kind of forgot about it. So I don't know what exactly happened, maybe they found the comments on this log?
It's doubtful. The editor is a friend of mine. I'm sure he'll be apt to at least contacting you to ask for permission. Whether you grant it, that's a different story.
So ... was the pile of flowers about 6 feet high? :)
It was massive - as Der Hova's pics illustrated on the repat logs...
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